We all aim to reduce pain levels.

We all aim to reduce pain levels.

Osteopathy is a primary healthcare system which is complementary to other medical practices (BSO). All UK osteopaths must be registered with the General Osteopathic Council. In order to stay on the register we are required, each year, to take out insurance and  obtain 30 hours of continued professional development (cpd).

Our aim is to reduce pain and return the patient back to full function. This is achieved first by diagnosing the problem and then by working on the neuro-musculo-skeletal system, mainly on muscles and joints, to facilitate our own body’s ability to regulate and heal itself. A wide range of gentle manual techniques are used including soft tissue massage, joint articulation and manipulation followed by self help exercise and other advice when required.

Physiotherapy. At the core of musculo-skeletal physiotherapy is the patient’s involvement in their own care and rehabilitation. Therefore much of the time is spent on exercise prescription and explanation in an attempt to empower the patient to participate in their own recovery.

Chiropractors treat mechanical disorders of the musculo-skeletal system, using their hands to treat bones, joints and muscles. They use a range of techniques but their emphasis is on joint manipulation of the spine.

All manual therapists may offer other alternative therapies to complement their techniques including acupuncture, dry needling and kinesiology taping.

My treatments at Osteopath West can inclued kinesiology taping techniques to help reduce inflammation, reduce tension in an injured muscle, support a joint or to help improve postural issues. I also support my osteopathic treatment with acupuncture and trigger point therapy for pain relief and healing. I also have the convenience of working within a personal training studio gym where I am able to prescribe rehabilitation exercises or refer on to a specialist personal trainer for continued sport specific strength training.

Return to full function

Return to full function